This twelve hour analog clock has a buzzer alarm, timers, and a built-in socket for use with a bed shaker (not included). The James Remind-O-Timer with Braille, model J143WEB, is a tactile alarm clock and timer designed for use by individuals who are deaf blind. Other features include a back clip for portability, a soft-glow nightlight, a nursing reminder for the mother to James Remind-O-Timer With Braille (Model J143Web) The four buttons allow the user to track baby changing, baby feeding, napping and waking and there is one extra button that can be customized. This device features four timers that count up with the touch of a button. The Itzbeen Baby Care Timer is a cognitive aid, prompter and timer designed to help parents with memory or cognitive disabilities remember basic details of infant care.

Free online editing and syncing between devices. User checklists can automatically reset - start fresh each morning, week, or month. Create routine checklists, then complete them on chosen days of the week, with reminder notifications and a gold star for each completed task. HomeRoutines is an iPhone, computer and tablet application designed for users with attention deficit disorders. Long ring feature allows time for hearing impaired to hear it. Timer has large numbers enabling the user to see them easily. Bright Bold Long Ring Timer (Model 448666) DIMENSIONS: The timer is 8 inches in diameter and its numbers are 1.38 inches high. This 60-minute timer features a setting knob on the face, numerical designation in five-minute intervals, and line minute markings in between. The Big and Bold Timer is a multi-use low vision timer fo use by people with visual disabilities. The user launches the app an Big And Bold 60-Minute Timer The user can set three different times for green, yellow and red zones and change the duration from one minute up to a period of hours. This application (or app) allows a parent or teacher to use an Apple iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad to show elapsed time and to alert a person when a selected period of time expires. Autism Timer is a timer program designed for use by parents and teachers working with children with autism or other developmental or cognitive disabilities.