Sadly Return to Krondor was nowhere near as good as this game. The initial release of Betrayal at Krondor came on a stack of seven 3.5-inch floppy discs. From what little I gathered from reviews … Betrayal at Krondor is a DOS-based computer role-playing game developed by Dynamix and published by Sierra On-Line in 1993.Betrayal at Krondor takes place largely in Midkemia its design resembles a book, separated into chapters and narrated in the third-person with a quick-save bookmark feature.

… After you start the quest, and are told "golden treasure" is the wrong password, make a save. Not quite PS:T level, but consistently shows up on top lists of RPGs that go back that far. Betrayal at Krondor More Betrayal at Krondor Trainers. Betrayal At Krondor PC CD-ROM is in paper sleeve as pictured. A shareware game with the title Doom.Contribute to FaheedMuneer/Project-1-Books-Registration- development by creating an account on GitHub. And two floppy discs that my father hid in one of his bottom drawers. And then, there came 1993, december to me more precise. It was a crazy time with a lot of impressions through the years, but it somehow set the ground stones for my future - not only when it comes to the interest in computers, hardware and media, but also in regards of creative work.

I will never forget my classmates' faces years later when showing them my city filled with arcologies. With Sim City 2000 I learned how to use a dos-based hex editor to change my balance to 16.777.215 dollars (or 'FF FF FF'). On some evenings I was my father's co-pilot fighting Strakhas and defending the Tiger's Claw, sometimes I had my own adventures as Commander Keen on Mars, zapping some Vorticons and sometimes I conquered the whole planet by extinguishing all other 6 civilizations with nuclear missiles. Software piracy was a peccadillo back then, and I think most of these people weren't even aware, they were doing something they could have been sued for. My father's pupils had always been a good source for hand-labelled games. Some of them with original shareware episodes of Commander Keen, Monster Bash or Secret Agent, some other floppies with handwritten labels, reading Wing Commander 2 (Disc 4/16), Realms of Arkania or Indiana Jones including a small note explaining how to solve the copy protection puzzle at the beginning - like the famous Monkey Island faces. Well, I can remember that I never got past the castle trenches but my passion was ignited in these times, while figuring out how I can prevent Graham from dying (or maybe the opposite for the cool animations, I can't remember the true motivation anymore).Ī the beginning of the 90's I can remember that I collected about four large boxes each filled with around twenty 3.5" floppy discs. He wrote down a set of commands that could be typed in and told me what to do - a step by step instruction. The language was in english, I was 5 years old and I wasn't even in my first year of the elementary school.

And even though it had miserable graphics compared to later standards, the whole experience made me goggle: Such a interactive fantasy setting with a small prince running around on a small 12" screen - I was so curious now and I wanted to play this myself the next day when my father was in school. On a black 5.25" floppy disc with a handwritten label (very professional indeed), he spent us a game called King's Quest. One of his pupil was, what we consider nowadays, a professional software pirate. A brand new 286 with a monochrome monitor on a DOS basis. My father had a job as teacher and he had the particular luck that a personal computer was needed for one of his functions. Not the comfortable point and click version of it, but the very first variant where you had to type your actions to a command line - wow. One of my first gaming memory was playing King's Quest 1 from Origin.